class Enlighten::RadIrradianceTask

Structure describing a task using the irradiance technique.


Name Description
const RadSystemCore * m_CoreSystem

Precompute data for system solved in this task.

void * m_DirectionalOutput

Optional luminance or red directional output.

void * m_DirectionalOutputB

Optional blue directional output.

void * m_DirectionalOutputG

Optional green directional output.

Geo::s32 m_DirectionalOutputStride

The stride of the directional output texture in pixels (if present).

const InputLightingBuffer * m_Environment

Emissive environment for the task to read from. Must be 16-byte aligned, although may be NULL.

const InputLightingBuffer ** m_InputLighting

Ordered list of input lighting buffers that the task can read from.

void * m_IrradianceOutput

Radiosity output. The data must be persistent if temporal coherence is used.

bool m_LegacyDirectionalOutput

If true (the default), the re-balancing coefficient used in the legacy surface re-lighting model is output to the alpha channel of the directional output texture(s).

Geo::s32 m_NumSystemToSystemTransfers

Number of system-to-system transfers in the list.

eOutputFormat m_OutputFormat

Output format: one of the OUTPUT_FORMAT_* constants.

eOutputFormatByteOrder m_OutputFormatByteOrder

Whether to output 8-bit-per-pixel data in BGRA (DX9) or RGBA (DX11) byte order.

float m_OutputScale

Constant to premultiply by before format conversion.

Geo::s32 m_OutputStride

The stride of the output texture in pixels.

void * m_PersistentData

Persistent data used for storing data which persists between solves.

const RadSystemToSystemTransfer * m_SystemToSystemTransfers

List of system-to-system transfers to add into the irradiance task.

float m_TemporalCoherenceEpsilon

Small bias value added to the lighting intensity to ensure stable computation.

float m_TemporalCoherenceThreshold

The threshold value for temporal coherence.


Name Description

Default constructor.


public: RadIrradianceTask()

Default constructor.