class Enlighten::InterpolationInputSet

Data structure describing the inputs and outputs of a probe set to be used as input data for interpolation.


Name Description

Internal cached data.


Name Description
const float * m_BakedOutputFloat

The baked output array for this probe set, if using floating-point output (may be NULL).

float m_BakedOutputMultiplier

A scale factor for the baked output (not applied to the dynamic values).

Geo::u8 m_BakedOutputShOrder

The type of spherical harmonics that were used when baking this probe set.

const Geo::u8 * m_BakedOutputU8

The baked output array for this probe set if using compressed output (may be NULL).

float m_BakedOutputU8Scale

The baked output scale if using compressed output (ignored if using floating-point).

Geo::u8 m_Lod

LOD to use for this interpolation input set.

const float * m_OutputFloat

The output array for this probe set, if using floating-point output (may be NULL otherwise).

Geo::u8 m_OutputShOrder

The type of spherical harmonics that were used to solve this probe set.

const Geo::u8 * m_OutputU8

The output array for this probe set if using compressed output (may be NULL otherwise).

float m_OutputU8Scale

The output scale if using compressed output (ignored if using floating-point).

const Geo::v128 * m_ProbePositionArray

The position array for this probe set.


Name Description

Return the position of a (real or virtual) probe in the probe set.


Get the core data for this probe set.

SetProbeSetCore(const RadProbeSetCore *)

Set the core data for this probe set.

SetTransform(const Geo::Matrix &)

Set the transform for this probe set.


Transform a point to local space, if required.

Geo::v128 Enlighten::InterpolationInputSet::GetProbePosition

public: Geo::v128 GetProbePosition
    Geo::s32 probeIndex
) const

Return the position of a (real or virtual) probe in the probe set.

const RadProbeSetCore* Enlighten::InterpolationInputSet::GetProbeSetCore

public: const RadProbeSetCore * GetProbeSetCore() const

Get the core data for this probe set.

void Enlighten::InterpolationInputSet::SetProbeSetCore

public: void SetProbeSetCore
    const RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore

Set the core data for this probe set.

void Enlighten::InterpolationInputSet::SetTransform

public: void SetTransform
    const Geo::Matrix & transform

Set the transform for this probe set.

Geo::v128 Enlighten::InterpolationInputSet::Transform

public: Geo::v128 Transform
    Geo::v128 point
) const

Transform a point to local space, if required.