class Enlighten::MergeTriGroupParams

Parameters controlling the merge behaviour of a particular tri group.

Normal deviations are specified as the cosine of the angle. eg. 1 == no deviation, 0 == 90 degree deviation, etc.


Name Description
const float kMaxGeneralNormalDeviationCos

The defaults.

const float kMaxInitialNormalDeviationCos

The defaults.

const float kOverlapExpansionPerc

The defaults.

const float kSignificantAreaRatio

The defaults.

bool m_ConsiderExistingUVs

Whether to consider using the user-provided UVs if they are better.

float m_MaxGeneralNormalDeviationCos

The maximum allowed normal deviation for all other inlier groups.

float m_MaxInitialNormalDeviationCos

The maximum allowed normal deviation for the first 2 'seed' groups.

float m_MaxPlaneDistance

Distance from a plane to consider it within the same group.

float m_OverlapExpansionPerc

The percentage to scale this volume by when detecting overlaps with other tri groups.

float m_SignificantAreaRatio

If chartArea/groupArea is less than this value than this chart is considered insignificant.


Name Description

Sets defaults.


public: MergeTriGroupParams()

Sets defaults.

Initialises to no plane distance (effectively exact simp only), and normal deviations that are initially quite strict, but then allow fairly loose normal deviations for inliers.