In order to bounce light from geometry, Enlighten needs some description of the surface colour - the "albedo" of the surface.

Enlighten will use the albedo colour to modulate the input lighting to compute the colour of the bounce light.


Name Description

Constitutes the precomputed material data for a system.


A set of initialisers for the dynamicity of surface colours.


Specify the albedo/emissive texture resolution relative to the light map resolution.


Name Description
Geo::GeoRGBXTextureElement CpuTextureElement

Structure defining the memory layout of CPU texture data used by Enlighten for texture albedo and emissive.

Geo::u64 SurfaceSelection

Selects a set of surfaces within a system.


Name Description
CalcAlbedoBufferSize(const Enlighten::InputWorkspace *)

Calculate the size of the AlbedoBuffer for a system.

CalcDynamicMaterialWorkspaceSize(const ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *)

Calculate the size of the DynamicMaterialWorkspace.

CalcEmissiveBufferSize(const Enlighten::InputWorkspace *)

Calculate the size of the EmissiveBuffer for a system.

CalcTransparencyBufferSize(const Enlighten::InputWorkspace *)

Calculate the size of the TransparencyBuffer for a system.

CreateAlbedoBuffer(const Enlighten::InputWorkspace *, void *)

Create an AlbedoBuffer for a system.

CreateCompositeMaterialId(Geo::u16, Geo::u16, Geo::u32)

Determine the specific material ID for a given instance, mesh and 32-bit material ID.

CreateDynamicMaterialWorkspace(const ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, void *)

Create a DynamicMaterialWorkspace which is used for dynamic updates of material colours at runtime.

CreateEmissiveBuffer(const Enlighten::InputWorkspace *, void *)

Create an EmissiveBuffer for a system.

CreateTransparencyBuffer(const Enlighten::InputWorkspace *, void *)

Create a TransparencyBuffer for a system.

EncodeRGBM(float *, float)

Utility function for converting floating point values to the RGBM format.

GetClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialDataSize(const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *)

Returns the size of the specified ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData object.

GetClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialIds(const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *)

Returns a list of all material Ids referenced by this albedo workspace.

GetClusterAlbedoWorkspaceNumMaterials(const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *)

Returns the number of material Ids referenced by this albedo workspace.

GetDebugAlbedoValue(const Geo::u32, const AlbedoBuffer *, Geo::v128 &)

Get the cluster albedo value of a debug point from an AlbedoBuffer.

GetDebugEmissiveValue(const Geo::u32, const EmissiveBuffer *, Geo::v128 &)

Get the cluster emissive value of a debug point from an EmissiveBuffer.

GetDebugTransparencyValue(const Geo::u32, const TransparencyBuffer *, float &)

Get the cluster transparency value of a debug point from an TransparencyBuffer.

GetTextureSize(const Enlighten::RadSystemCore *, const TextureResolutionScale::Value, Geo::s32 &, Geo::s32 &)

Returns the required dimensions of the albedo and emissive textures for a given radiosity core.

GetTextureSize(const TextureResolutionScale::Value, Geo::s32, Geo::s32, Geo::s32 &, Geo::s32 &)

Inline function that returns the required dimensions of the albedo and emissive textures for a given a texture width and height.

InitialiseAlbedoBufferFromColoursPerPoint(DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, const InputWorkspace *, const Geo::v128 *, const Geo::s32, AlbedoBuffer *)

Sets the albedo colours for an AlbedoBuffer based on the individual sample points.

InitialiseAlbedoBufferFromMaterialWorkspace(DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, AlbedoBuffer *)

Sets the albedo colours for an AlbedoBuffer from a materialWorkspace.

InitialiseAlbedoBufferFromTexture(DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, const Enlighten::InputTextureSamplerParameters *, const TextureResolutionScale::Value, AlbedoBuffer *)

Sets the albedo colours for an AlbedoBuffer from an albedo texture expected in RGBA format in gamma-2 colour space.

InitialiseEmissiveBufferFromColoursPerPoint(DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, const InputWorkspace *, const Geo::v128 *, const Geo::s32, EmissiveBuffer *)

Sets the emissive colours for an EmissiveBuffer based on the individual sample points.

InitialiseEmissiveBufferFromMaterialWorkspace(DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, EmissiveBuffer *)

Sets the emissive colours for an EmissiveBuffer from a materialWorkspace.

InitialiseEmissiveBufferFromTexture(DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, const Enlighten::InputTextureSamplerParameters *, float, const TextureResolutionScale::Value, EmissiveBuffer *)

Sets the emissive colours for an EmissiveBuffer from an emissive texture expected in RGBM format in linear colour space.

InitialiseEmissiveBufferFromTextureFp16(DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, const Enlighten::InputTextureSamplerParameters *, const TextureResolutionScale::Value, EmissiveBuffer *)

Sets the emissive colours for an EmissiveBuffer from an emissive texture expected in FP16 format in linear colour space.

InitialiseInstanceEmissiveAsDynamic(DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, const Geo::u16)

Initialise all the materials of an instance in the DynamicMaterialWorkspace as dynamic.

InitialiseMaterialDynamicity(DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, const SurfaceSelection &, SurfaceColourDynamicity)

Initialise a material component in the DynamicMaterialWorkspace as static or dynamic.

InitialiseMaterialEmissiveAsDynamic(DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, const Geo::u64 &)

Initialise a material emissive component in the DynamicMaterialWorkspace as dynamic.

InitialiseSystemEmissiveAsDynamic(DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *)

Initialise all the materials in the DynamicMaterialWorkspace as dynamic.

InitialiseTransparencyBufferFromColoursPerPoint(DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, const InputWorkspace *, const float *, const Geo::s32, TransparencyBuffer *)

Sets the transparency for a TransparencyBuffer based on the individual sample points.

InitialiseTransparencyBufferFromMaterialWorkspace(DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, TransparencyBuffer *)

Sets the values for a TransparencyBuffer from a materialWorkspace.

InitialiseTransparencyBufferFromTexture(DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, const Enlighten::InputTextureSamplerParameters *, const Geo::s32, const Geo::s32, const TextureResolutionScale::Value, TransparencyBuffer *)

Sets the values for a TransparencyBuffer from a the alpha channel in the albedo texture in RGBA format.

IsAlbedoBufferInitialiseRequired(const DynamicMaterialWorkspace *)

Determine if the buffer needs to be initialised.

IsEmissiveBufferInitialiseRequired(const DynamicMaterialWorkspace *)

Determine if the buffer needs to be initialised.

IsTransparencyBufferInitialiseRequired(const DynamicMaterialWorkspace *)

Determine if the buffer needs to be initialised.


All surfaces matching the specified instance.

MakeSingleSurfaceSelection(Geo::u16, Geo::u16, Geo::u32)

The surface matching the instanceId, meshIndex and materialId combination.


All surfaces in the system.

SetMaterialAlbedoColour(DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, const SurfaceSelection &, const Geo::v128 &)

Set the colour of a material selection within the DynamicMaterialWorkspace.

SetMaterialEmissiveColour(DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, const SurfaceSelection &, const Geo::v128 &)

Set the emissive colour of a material selection within the DynamicMaterialWorkspace.

SetMaterialTransparency(DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, const SurfaceSelection &, float)

Set the transparency of a material selection within the DynamicMaterialWorkspace.

UpdateAlbedoBuffer(DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer *)

Update an AlbedoBuffer from the DynamicMaterialWorkspace.

UpdateEmissiveBuffer(DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer *)

Update an EmissiveBuffer from the DynamicMaterialWorkspace.

UpdateTransparencyBuffer(DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, Enlighten::TransparencyBuffer *)

Update a TransparencyBuffer from the DynamicMaterialWorkspace.

Geo::u32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::CalcAlbedoBufferSize

public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcAlbedoBufferSize
    const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace

Calculate the size of the AlbedoBuffer for a system.

[in] inputWorkspace

A valid InputWorkspace for a system


The size in bytes of the AlbedoBuffer. Return 0xFFFFFFFF if an error occurred.

Geo::u32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::CalcDynamicMaterialWorkspaceSize

public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcDynamicMaterialWorkspaceSize
    const ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData

Calculate the size of the DynamicMaterialWorkspace.

[in] materialData

Pointer to the precompute material data.


The size of the DynamicMaterialWorkspace in bytes. Returns 0xFFFFFFFF if an error occurred.

Geo::u32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::CalcEmissiveBufferSize

public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcEmissiveBufferSize
    const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace

Calculate the size of the EmissiveBuffer for a system.

[in] inputWorkspace

A valid InputWorkspace for a system


The size in bytes of the EmissiveBuffer. Return 0xFFFFFFFF if an error occurred.

Geo::u32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::CalcTransparencyBufferSize

public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcTransparencyBufferSize
    const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace

Calculate the size of the TransparencyBuffer for a system.

[in] inputWorkspace

A valid InputWorkspace for a system


The size in bytes of the TransparencyBuffer. Return 0xFFFFFFFF if an error occurred.

Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer* GEO_CALL Enlighten::CreateAlbedoBuffer

public: Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer *GEO_CALL CreateAlbedoBuffer
    const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    void * mem

Create an AlbedoBuffer for a system.

This AlbedoBuffer is used as input to the IndirectInputLightingStage.

[in] inputWorkspace

A valid InputWorkspace for a system

[in] mem

A pointer to 16 byte aligned memory of size returned by CalcAlbedoBufferSize()


The complete and valid AlbedoBuffer object. Returns NULL if an error occurred.

Geo::u64 Enlighten::CreateCompositeMaterialId

public: Geo::u64 CreateCompositeMaterialId
    Geo::u16 instanceId,
    Geo::u16 meshIdx,
    Geo::u32 baseMaterialId

Determine the specific material ID for a given instance, mesh and 32-bit material ID.

See the Material IDs & GUIDs page in the User Guide for further details.

DynamicMaterialWorkspace* GEO_CALL Enlighten::CreateDynamicMaterialWorkspace

public: DynamicMaterialWorkspace *GEO_CALL CreateDynamicMaterialWorkspace
    const ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    void * mem

Create a DynamicMaterialWorkspace which is used for dynamic updates of material colours at runtime.

Each system with dynamic materials will require one of these objects.

[in] materialData

A pointer to the precompute material data.

[in] mem

A pointer to the memory where the DynamicAlbedoWorkspace will be constructed. This block of memory must be at least CalcDynamicMaterialWorkspaceSize() bytes.


A valid DynamicMaterialWorkspace object. Returns NULL if an error occurred.

Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer* GEO_CALL Enlighten::CreateEmissiveBuffer

public: Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer *GEO_CALL CreateEmissiveBuffer
    const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    void * mem

Create an EmissiveBuffer for a system.

This EmissiveBuffer is used as input to the IndirectInputLightingStage.

[in] inputWorkspace

A valid InputWorkspace for a system

[in] mem

A pointer to 16 byte aligned memory of size returned by CalcEmissiveBufferSize()


The complete and valid EmissiveBuffer object. Returns NULL if an error occurred.

Enlighten::TransparencyBuffer* GEO_CALL Enlighten::CreateTransparencyBuffer

public: Enlighten::TransparencyBuffer *GEO_CALL CreateTransparencyBuffer
    const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    void * mem

Create a TransparencyBuffer for a system.

This TransparencyBuffer is used as input to the IndirectInputLightingStage.

[in] inputWorkspace

A valid InputWorkspace for a system

[in] mem

A pointer to 16 byte aligned memory of size returned by CalcTransparencyBufferSize()


The complete and valid TransparencyBuffer object. Returns NULL if an error occurred.

CpuTextureElement GEO_CALL Enlighten::EncodeRGBM

public: CpuTextureElement GEO_CALL EncodeRGBM
    float * rgb,
    float MaxRange

Utility function for converting floating point values to the RGBM format.

Geo::u32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialDataSize

public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL GetClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialDataSize
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData

Returns the size of the specified ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData object.

Note that this includes the size of the two child RadDataBlocks.


Memory used in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.

const Geo::u64* GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialIds

public: const Geo::u64 *GEO_CALL GetClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialIds
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData

Returns a list of all material Ids referenced by this albedo workspace.

The length of the returned array can be found using GetClusterAlbedoWorkspaceNumMaterials().

[in] materialData

The albedo workspace material data to query.

Geo::s32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetClusterAlbedoWorkspaceNumMaterials

public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL GetClusterAlbedoWorkspaceNumMaterials
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData

Returns the number of material Ids referenced by this albedo workspace.

[in] materialData

The albedo workspace material data to query.


The number of materials referenced, -1 upon error.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetDebugAlbedoValue

public: bool GEO_CALL GetDebugAlbedoValue
    const Geo::u32 debugClusterIdx,
    const AlbedoBuffer * albedoBuffer,
    Geo::v128 & outValue

Get the cluster albedo value of a debug point from an AlbedoBuffer.

[in] debugClusterIdx

Index of the cluster

[in] albedoBuffer

The input AlbedoBuffer to query.

[out] outValue

The value in the buffer for the given debug point. returns true on success or false if an error occured.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetDebugEmissiveValue

public: bool GEO_CALL GetDebugEmissiveValue
    const Geo::u32 debugClusterIdx,
    const EmissiveBuffer * emissiveBuffer,
    Geo::v128 & outValue

Get the cluster emissive value of a debug point from an EmissiveBuffer.

[in] debugClusterIdx

Index of the cluster

[in] emissiveBuffer

The input EmissiveBuffer to query.

[out] outValue

The value in the buffer for the given debug point. returns true on success or false if an error occured.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetDebugTransparencyValue

public: bool GEO_CALL GetDebugTransparencyValue
    const Geo::u32 debugClusterIdx,
    const TransparencyBuffer * transparencyBuffer,
    float & outValue

Get the cluster transparency value of a debug point from an TransparencyBuffer.

[in] debugClusterIdx

Index of the cluster

[in] transparencyBuffer

The input TransparencyBuffer to query.

[out] outValue

The value in the buffer for the given debug point. returns true on success or false if an error occured.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetTextureSize

public: bool GEO_CALL GetTextureSize
    const Enlighten::RadSystemCore * radSystemCoreIn,
    const TextureResolutionScale::Value scale,
    Geo::s32 & widthOut,
    Geo::s32 & heightOut

Returns the required dimensions of the albedo and emissive textures for a given radiosity core.

This is a replacement for GetTextureAlbedoSize()

[in] radSystemCoreIn

The radiosity core to compute the texture dimensions for.

[in] scale

The desired texture resolution scale.

[out] widthOut

The width of the albedo and emissive textures, -1 upon error.

[out] heightOut

The height of the albedo and emissive textures, -1 upon error. returns true on success or false if an error occurred.

void Enlighten::GetTextureSize

public: void GetTextureSize
    const TextureResolutionScale::Value scale,
    Geo::s32 widthIn,
    Geo::s32 heightIn,
    Geo::s32 & widthOut,
    Geo::s32 & heightOut

Inline function that returns the required dimensions of the albedo and emissive textures for a given a texture width and height.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::InitialiseAlbedoBufferFromColoursPerPoint

public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseAlbedoBufferFromColoursPerPoint
    DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    const Geo::v128 * pointAlbedoColours,
    const Geo::s32 numPoints,
    AlbedoBuffer * albedoBuffer

Sets the albedo colours for an AlbedoBuffer based on the individual sample points.

You can use Enlighten::GetNumberOfPointsInInputWorkspace() to get the number of points in a system, and Enlighten::GetInputWorkspacePositionAndNormalArray() to get their positions and normals.

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.

[in] materialData

A pointer to the precompute material data.

[in] inputWorkspace

The input workspace for the system.

[in] pointAlbedoColours

The albedo colours to set for the points. Each colour component should be between [0..1]. Values outside this range will be clamped internally. The size of this array must be equal to or larger than the value in numPoints. These values are expected in linear colour space.

[in] numPoints

Number of sample points provided. It must match the number of points in the input workspace.

[in] albedoBuffer

The AlbedoBuffer which is being initialised.


True on success or false if an error occurred.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::InitialiseAlbedoBufferFromMaterialWorkspace

public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseAlbedoBufferFromMaterialWorkspace
    DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    AlbedoBuffer * albedoBuffer

Sets the albedo colours for an AlbedoBuffer from a materialWorkspace.

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.

[in] materialData

A pointer to the precompute material data.

[in] albedoBuffer

The AlbedoBuffer which is being initialised.


True on success or false if an error occurred.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::InitialiseAlbedoBufferFromTexture

public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseAlbedoBufferFromTexture
    DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    const Enlighten::InputTextureSamplerParameters * textureParams,
    const TextureResolutionScale::Value resolutionScale,
    AlbedoBuffer * albedoBuffer

Sets the albedo colours for an AlbedoBuffer from an albedo texture expected in RGBA format in gamma-2 colour space.

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.

[in] materialData

A pointer to the precompute material data.

[in] textureParams

Parameters used for sampling the albedo texture on the CPU.

[in] resolutionScale

An enumeration representing the size of the albedo texture relative to the lightmap resolution. Can be FullResolutionScale or HalfResolutionScale.

[in] albedoBuffer

The AlbedoBuffer which is being initialised.


True on success or false if an error occurred.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::InitialiseEmissiveBufferFromColoursPerPoint

public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseEmissiveBufferFromColoursPerPoint
    DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    const Geo::v128 * pointEmissiveColours,
    const Geo::s32 numPoints,
    EmissiveBuffer * emissiveBuffer

Sets the emissive colours for an EmissiveBuffer based on the individual sample points.

You can use Enlighten::GetNumberOfPointsInInputWorkspace() to get the number of points in a system, and Enlighten::GetInputWorkspacePositionAndNormalArray() to get their positions and normals.

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.

[in] materialData

A pointer to the precompute material data.

[in] inputWorkspace

The input workspace for the system.

[in] pointEmissiveColours

The albedo colours to set for the points. Each colour component should be between [0..1]. Values outside this range will be clamped internally. The size of this array must be equal to or larger than the value in numPoints. These values are expected in linear colour space.

[in] numPoints

Number of sample points provided. It must match the number of points in the input workspace.

[in] emissiveBuffer

The EmissiveBuffer which is being initialised.


True on success or false if an error occurred.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::InitialiseEmissiveBufferFromMaterialWorkspace

public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseEmissiveBufferFromMaterialWorkspace
    DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    EmissiveBuffer * emissiveBuffer

Sets the emissive colours for an EmissiveBuffer from a materialWorkspace.

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.

[in] materialData

A pointer to the precompute material data.

[in] emissiveBuffer

The EmissiveBuffer which is being initialised.


True on success or false if an error occurred.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::InitialiseEmissiveBufferFromTexture

public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseEmissiveBufferFromTexture
    DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    const Enlighten::InputTextureSamplerParameters * textureParams,
    float fixedPointMaximum,
    const TextureResolutionScale::Value resolutionScale,
    EmissiveBuffer * emissiveBuffer

Sets the emissive colours for an EmissiveBuffer from an emissive texture expected in RGBM format in linear colour space.

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.

[in] materialData

A pointer to the precompute material data.

[in] textureParams

Parameters used for sampling the albedo texture on the CPU.

[in] fixedPointMaximum

The maximum value representable by the fixed point RGBM format.

[in] resolutionScale

An enumeration representing the size of the albedo texture relative to the lightmap resolution. Can be FullResolutionScale or HalfResolutionScale.

[in] emissiveBuffer

The EmissiveBuffer which is being initialised.


True on success or false if an error occurred.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::InitialiseEmissiveBufferFromTextureFp16

public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseEmissiveBufferFromTextureFp16
    DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    const Enlighten::InputTextureSamplerParameters * textureParams,
    const TextureResolutionScale::Value resolutionScale,
    EmissiveBuffer * emissiveBuffer

Sets the emissive colours for an EmissiveBuffer from an emissive texture expected in FP16 format in linear colour space.

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.

[in] materialData

A pointer to the precompute material data.

[in] textureParams

Parameters used for sampling the albedo texture on the CPU.

[in] resolutionScale

An enumeration representing the size of the albedo texture relative to the lightmap resolution. Can be FullResolutionScale or HalfResolutionScale.

[in] emissiveBuffer

The EmissiveBuffer which is being initialised.


True on success or false if an error occurred.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::InitialiseInstanceEmissiveAsDynamic

public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseInstanceEmissiveAsDynamic
    DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    const Geo::u16 instanceId

Initialise all the materials of an instance in the DynamicMaterialWorkspace as dynamic.

This is used to distinguish dynamic material values from static values when initialising or reconstructing the EmissiveBuffer. If a material albedo component is not initialised as dynamic, any calls to SetMaterialEmissiveColour() will require the EmissiveBuffer to be re-initialised.

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.

[in] materialData

A pointer to the precompute material data.

[in] instanceId

The instance ID to set the emissive for.


True on success or false if an error occurred. This does not imply whether or not the instance was found.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::InitialiseMaterialDynamicity

public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseMaterialDynamicity
    DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    const SurfaceSelection & selection,
    SurfaceColourDynamicity dynamicity

Initialise a material component in the DynamicMaterialWorkspace as static or dynamic.

This is used to distinguish dynamic material values from static values when initialising or reconstructing the AlbedoBuffer. If a material component is not initialised as dynamic albedo, any calls to SetMaterialAlbedoColour() will require the AlbedoBuffer to be re-initialised. If a material component is not initialised as dynamic emissive, any calls to SetMaterialEmissiveColour() will require the EmissiveBuffer to be re-initialised. If a material component is not initialised as dynamic transparency, any calls to SetMaterialTransparency() will require the TransparencyBuffer to be re-initialised.

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.

[in] materialData

A pointer to the precompute material data.

[in] selection

The selection of surfaces to set the state for.

[in] dynamicity

The dynamicity to initialise the material component with.


True on success or false if an error occurred. This does not imply whether or not the material was found.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::InitialiseMaterialEmissiveAsDynamic

public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseMaterialEmissiveAsDynamic
    DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    const Geo::u64 & materialId

Initialise a material emissive component in the DynamicMaterialWorkspace as dynamic.

This is used to distinguish dynamic material values from static values when initialising or reconstructing the EmissiveBuffer. If a material emissive component is not initialised as dynamic, any calls to SetMaterialEmissiveColour() will require the EmissiveBuffer to be re-initialised.

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.

[in] materialData

A pointer to the precompute material data.

[in] materialId

The material 64 bit material ID to set the emissive for.


True on success or false if an error occurred. This does not imply whether or not the material was found.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::InitialiseSystemEmissiveAsDynamic

public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseSystemEmissiveAsDynamic
    DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData

Initialise all the materials in the DynamicMaterialWorkspace as dynamic.

This is used to distinguish dynamic material values from static values when initialising or reconstructing the EmissiveBuffer. If a material albedo component is not initialised as dynamic, any calls to SetMaterialEmissiveColour() will require the EmissiveBuffer to be re-initialised.

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.

[in] materialData

A pointer to the precompute material data.


True on success or false if an error occurred.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::InitialiseTransparencyBufferFromColoursPerPoint

public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseTransparencyBufferFromColoursPerPoint
    DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    const float * pointTransparencyValues,
    const Geo::s32 numPoints,
    TransparencyBuffer * transparencyBuffer

Sets the transparency for a TransparencyBuffer based on the individual sample points.

You can use Enlighten::GetNumberOfPointsInInputWorkspace() to get the number of points in a system, and Enlighten::GetInputWorkspacePositionAndNormalArray() to get their positions and normals.

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.

[in] materialData

A pointer to the precompute material data.

[in] inputWorkspace

The input workspace for the system.

[in] pointTransparencyValues

The transparency values to set for the points. Each value should be between [0..1]. Values outside this range will be clamped internally. The size of this array must be equal to or larger than the value in numPoints. These values are expected in linear colour space.

[in] numPoints

Number of sample points provided. It must match the number of pointsg in the input workspace.

[in] transparencyBuffer

The TransparencyBuffer which is being initialised.


True on success or false if an error occurred.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::InitialiseTransparencyBufferFromMaterialWorkspace

public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseTransparencyBufferFromMaterialWorkspace
    DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    TransparencyBuffer * transparencyBuffer

Sets the values for a TransparencyBuffer from a materialWorkspace.

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.

[in] materialData

A pointer to the precompute material data.

[in] transparencyBuffer

The TransparencyBuffer which is being initialised.


True on success or false if an error occurred.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::InitialiseTransparencyBufferFromTexture

public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseTransparencyBufferFromTexture
    DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    const Enlighten::InputTextureSamplerParameters * textureParams,
    const Geo::s32 pixelStrideInBytes,
    const Geo::s32 alphaOffsetInBytes,
    const TextureResolutionScale::Value resolutionScale,
    TransparencyBuffer * transparencyBuffer

Sets the values for a TransparencyBuffer from a the alpha channel in the albedo texture in RGBA format.

In the alpha channel 0 represents fully transparent and 255 represents fully opaque in linear space.

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.

[in] materialData

A pointer to the precompute material data.

[in] textureParams

Parameters used for sampling the albedo texture on the CPU.

[in] pixelStrideInBytes

The stride between pixels in the texture.

[in] alphaOffsetInBytes

The byte offset to the first alpha element.

[in] resolutionScale

An enumeration representing the size of the albedo texture relative to the lightmap resolution. Can be FullResolutionScale or HalfResolutionScale.

[in] transparencyBuffer

The TransparencyBuffer which is being initialised.


True on success or false if an error occurred.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::IsAlbedoBufferInitialiseRequired

public: bool GEO_CALL IsAlbedoBufferInitialiseRequired
    const DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace

Determine if the buffer needs to be initialised.

An initialised buffer can require re-initialisation if a static colour changes or the dynamic-ness of a material changes.

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.


True if the buffer needs to be initialised.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::IsEmissiveBufferInitialiseRequired

public: bool GEO_CALL IsEmissiveBufferInitialiseRequired
    const DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace

Determine if the buffer needs to be initialised.

An initialised buffer can require re-initialisation if a static colour changes or the dynamic-ness of a material changes.

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.


True if the buffer needs to be initialised.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::IsTransparencyBufferInitialiseRequired

public: bool GEO_CALL IsTransparencyBufferInitialiseRequired
    const DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace

Determine if the buffer needs to be initialised.

An initialised buffer can require re-initialisation if a static colour changes or the dynamic-ness of a material changes.

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.


True if the buffer needs to be initialised.

SurfaceSelection Enlighten::MakeInstanceSurfaceSelection

public: SurfaceSelection MakeInstanceSurfaceSelection
    Geo::u16 instanceId

All surfaces matching the specified instance.

SurfaceSelection Enlighten::MakeSingleSurfaceSelection

public: SurfaceSelection MakeSingleSurfaceSelection
    Geo::u16 instanceId,
    Geo::u16 meshIndex,
    Geo::u32 materialId

The surface matching the instanceId, meshIndex and materialId combination.

SurfaceSelection Enlighten::MakeSystemSurfaceSelection

public: SurfaceSelection MakeSystemSurfaceSelection()

All surfaces in the system.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::SetMaterialAlbedoColour

public: bool GEO_CALL SetMaterialAlbedoColour
    DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    const SurfaceSelection & selection,
    const Geo::v128 & newAlbedoColour

Set the colour of a material selection within the DynamicMaterialWorkspace.

If the selection has been previously setup as dynamic (using InitialiseMaterialAlbedoAsDynamic()), the AlbedoBuffer will need updating using UpdateAlbedoBuffer(). If the selection is static however, the AlbedoBuffer will need re-initialising using InitialiseAlbedoBufferFromMaterialWorkspace().

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.

[in] materialData

A pointer to the precompute material data.

[in] selection

The selection of surfaces to set the albedo for.

[in] newAlbedoColour

The colour to set the material to. This is expected to be in linear colour space.


True on success or false if an error occurred.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::SetMaterialEmissiveColour

public: bool GEO_CALL SetMaterialEmissiveColour
    DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    const SurfaceSelection & selection,
    const Geo::v128 & newEmissiveColour

Set the emissive colour of a material selection within the DynamicMaterialWorkspace.

If the selection has been previously setup as dynamic (using InitialiseMaterialEmissiveAsDynamic()), the EmissiveBuffer will need updating using UpdateEmissiveBuffer(). If the selection is static however, the EmissiveBuffer will need re-initialising using InitialiseEmissiveBufferFromMaterialWorkspace().

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.

[in] materialData

A pointer to the precompute material data.

[in] selection

The selection of surfaces to set the emissive for.

[in] newEmissiveColour

The colour to set to the emissive component of the material. This is expected to be in linear colour space.


True on success or false if an error occurred.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::SetMaterialTransparency

public: bool GEO_CALL SetMaterialTransparency
    DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    const SurfaceSelection & selection,
    float newTransparency

Set the transparency of a material selection within the DynamicMaterialWorkspace.

If the selection has been previously setup as dynamic (using InitialiseMaterialTransparencyAsDynamic()), the TransparencyBuffer will need updating using UpdateTransparencyBuffer(). If the selection is static however, the TransparencyBuffer will need re-initialising using InitialiseTransparencyBufferFromMaterialWorkspace().

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.

[in] materialData

A pointer to the precompute material data.

[in] selection

The selection of surfaces to set the transparency for.

[in] newTransparency

The transparency to set the material to. This is expected to be in linear space.


True on success or false if an error occurred.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::UpdateAlbedoBuffer

public: bool GEO_CALL UpdateAlbedoBuffer
    DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer * albedoBuffer

Update an AlbedoBuffer from the DynamicMaterialWorkspace.

This will preserve values that were initialised with static data (ie ColourPerPoint or Texture).

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.

[in] materialData

A pointer to the precompute material data.

[in] albedoBuffer

A valid AlbedoBuffer where the results will be written to. This buffer is used as input to the IndirectInputLighting stage.


True on success or false if an error occurred.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::UpdateEmissiveBuffer

public: bool GEO_CALL UpdateEmissiveBuffer
    DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer * emissiveBuffer

Update an EmissiveBuffer from the DynamicMaterialWorkspace.

This will preserve values that were initialised with static data (ie ColourPerPoint or Texture).

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.

[in] materialData

A pointer to the precompute material data.

[in] emissiveBuffer

A valid EmissiveBuffer where the results will be written to. This buffer is used as input to the IndirectInputLighting stage.


True on success or false if an error occurred.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::UpdateTransparencyBuffer

public: bool GEO_CALL UpdateTransparencyBuffer
    DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    Enlighten::TransparencyBuffer * transparencyBuffer

Update a TransparencyBuffer from the DynamicMaterialWorkspace.

This will preserve values that were initialised with static data (ie ColourPerPoint or Texture).

[in] materialWorkspace

A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system.

[in] materialData

A pointer to the precompute material data.

[in] transparencyBuffer

A valid TransparencyBuffer where the results will be written to. This buffer is used as input to the IndirectInputLighting stage.


True on success or false if an error occurred.