A Probe task specifies a list of probe points whose lighting values will be calculated when the task is solved.
Each probe task solves one or more points within one probe data block. Probe tasks cannot refer to more than one data block.
Name | Description |
const RadProbeSetCore * m_CoreProbeSet | Precompute data for the probe sample points. Must be 16-byte aligned. |
const InputLightingBuffer * m_Environment | Emissive environment for the task to read from. Must be 16-byte aligned, although may be NULL. |
Geo::s32 * m_IndicesToSolve | List of probe indices. |
const InputLightingBuffer ** m_InputLighting | Ordered list of input lighting buffers that the task can read from to solve the points. Must be 16-byte aligned. |
Geo::s32 m_NumIndicesToSolve | Number of probes to solve. |
float ** m_OutputPointers | Locations to write the output to. |
Geo::u8 ** m_U8OutputPointers | You can request compressed output if the solver is using just L1 probes. |
float m_U8OutputScale | Output scale if using compressed output for the L1 solve. |
Name | Description |
RadProbeTask() | Default constructor. |
public: RadProbeTask()
Default constructor.