The base libraries used by the Enlighten SDK.
Helper functions for generating frequently used sample distributions.
Name | Description |
Geo::AbstractRayChunk | Buffer that holds a chunk of rays and results. |
Geo::AnsiAllocator | Simple implementation of the MemoryAllocator class that forwards all requests to the malloc/free ANSI functions. |
Geo::ArrayRange | A range within an array [first, last). |
Geo::AtlasMesh | The AtlasMesh implementation used for the packer and anything else that needs not to know whether we have one mesh or several. |
Geo::AtlasMeshChart | A chart consists of a connected region of the mesh, which has a mapping into a single connected region in UV space. |
Geo::AtlasMeshChartingFlags | Describe how you would like charting to be performed. |
Geo::AtlasMeshPackingFlags | This tells the packer how to parameterise your stuff. |
Geo::AtlasMeshTriangle | An AtlasMesh consists of a number of triangle faces, each composed of three vertices. |
Geo::AtlasMeshTriangleCorner | A specific corner of a triangle in the mesh can be identified though an AtlasMeshTriangleCorner. |
Geo::AtlasMeshVertex | An AtlasMesh has a simple vertex format, carrying a single 3D coordinate describing the model, and a single 2D "UV" coordinate though which to provide a unique unwrapping of the mesh into a UV atlas that can be used as high quality light map. |
Geo::AtlasMeshVertexSplitResult | A specification describing that a specified vertex needs to duplicated, and that some of the m_Corner of the mesh faces need to be relinked to the copy. |
Geo::BasicAllocator | A basic memory allocator. |
Geo::BboxEdge | A single edge of a bounding box. |
Geo::BboxFace | A single face of a bounding box. |
Geo::ChartParametiserFailure | Details about a chart that failed to parametise well. |
Geo::ClippedRay | A finite ray with near and far clipping planes. |
Geo::ConvexHull | A convex hull of a set of points. |
Geo::ConvexHullBuilder | Builds ConvexHull objects. |
Geo::CovarianceMatrix | A covariance matrix. |
Geo::CovarianceMatrixBuilder | Used for building CovarianceMatrix. |
Geo::DebugLine | A line between two points. |
Geo::EmbreeRtMeshVisitor | |
Geo::eWindingOrder | Winding order (clockwise/counterclockwise). |
Geo::FixedSizeArray | A fixed size array. |
Geo::Geo2DTransform | A class representing a 2d linear transform between UVs. |
Geo::GeoAlignedFreeDestructor | A type for freeing objects using GEO_ALIGNED_FREE. This is for use in GeoAutoPtr. |
Geo::GeoAllocationPage | A storage unit for a page based allocation system. |
Geo::GeoAllocator | A type of std::allocator, that passes memory requests through to the Geo heap functions This is used as the default allocator argument for the STL-like GeoMap/GeoList containers. |
Geo::GeoAllocatorUnchecked | A custom std::allocator, that uses simple malloc/free. |
Geo::GeoArray | Basic templated dynamic array class. |
Geo::GeoArray_Stl | STL adaptor to make the GeoArray look like a proper STL container. |
Geo::GeoAtomic | |
Geo::GeoAutoArrayPtr | Given the lack of a template typedef, and how common it is to want a GeoAutoPtr with Array dtor, adding a new class to provide this destruction policy by default. |
Geo::GeoAutoDeleteArray | Adaptor to allow storing of pointers in a container (calls GEO_DELETE on each pointer upon array destruction) |
Geo::GeoAutoDeleteList | Adaptor to allow container to own the pointed-to value data (calls GEO_DELETE() on each pointer upon container destruction) |
Geo::GeoAutoDeleteMap | Adaptor to allow container to own the pointed-to value data (calls GEO_DELETE() on each pointer upon container destruction) |
Geo::GeoAutoPtr | A value type to take ownership of a raw object allocated on the heap and bind its life-time to the scope of this class. |
Geo::GeoAutoReleaseArray | Adaptor to allow storing of IGeoReleasable pointers in a container (calls Release() on each pointer upon array destruction) |
Geo::GeoAutoReleaseMap | Adaptor to allow container to own the pointed-to value data (calls Release() on each pointer upon container destruction) |
Geo::GeoAutoReleasePtr | Given the lack of a template typedef, and how common it is to want a GeoAutoPtr with Release dtor, adding a new class to provide this destruction policy by default. |
Geo::GeoBitArray | A simple bit array wrapper, stored in an array of u32s. |
Geo::GeoBitStore | Container for a set of bits. |
Geo::GeoBlueNoise | class GeoBlueNoise Adapted from: Bridson, Robert, "Fast Poisson Sampling in Arbitrary Dimensions", ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 sketches |
Geo::GeoBlueNoiseDiskPalette | Builds a pallet of blue noise samples, each in a disk of radius 1. |
Geo::GeoBlueNoiseRayPalette | class GeoBlueNoiseRayPalette |
Geo::GeoBoundingBox | This class represents an axis aligned bounding box. |
Geo::GeoBoundingSphere | This class represents a bounding sphere. |
Geo::GeoBufferedFileStream | Simple IGeoStream implementation that saves/loads data into/from memory and performs all read/write operations on this copy. |
Geo::GeoBufferedInputStream | An implementation of IGeoInputStream that uses another stream to fill an internal buffer. |
Geo::GeoCriticalSection | Basic wrapper around a critical section object. |
Geo::GeoDebugAllocator | MemoryAllocator implementation which fills allocated memory with a given value. |
Geo::GeoDelegateDestructor | A type for deleting objects of type T using specific delete function. This is for use in GeoAutoPtr. |
Geo::GeoDeleteArrayDestructor | A type for deleting objects of type T using DeleteArray(). |
Geo::GeoDeleteDestructor | A type for deleting objects of type T using GEO_DELETE. |
Geo::GeoDepthCubeMap | A simple storage class for a floating point cube map. |
Geo::GeoEmbreeContext | An IGeoRayTracingContext that implements the Intel Embree raytracer. |
Geo::GeoEqualCString | A hash functor for a null-terminated string. |
Geo::GeoError | Description of a single error reported via an IGeoProgressProxy. |
Geo::GeoEvent | Event that can be manually triggered. |
Geo::GeoFileManager | The file manager deals with locating resources given a path and a filename. |
Geo::GeoFileStream | Simple IGeoStream implementation that saves/loads data from a file. |
Geo::GeoFixedBinarySearchMap | An associative container with performance OlogN and only one allocation. |
Geo::GeoFixedBinarySearchMapCompare | Default comparison functor for the GeoFixedBinarySearchMap. |
Geo::GeoFixedPoolAllocator | A std::allocator that passes memory requests through to a single underlying GeoAllocationPage. |
Geo::GeoFixedPoolList | To make usage of this pool class a bit less painful, create template holding classes for typedefs; since template typedefs do not exist, this is the closest you can get. |
Geo::GeoFixedPoolMap | To make usage of this pool class a bit less painful, create template holding classes for typedefs; since template typedefs do not exist, this is the closest you can get. |
Geo::GeoFixedString | This is a simple string class template that always uses a fixed amount of memory for a single string. |
Geo::GeoFlattenAndPackResults | This class contains all the information about the results of a GeoFlattenAndPack call. |
Geo::GeoFloat3SE | |
Geo::GeoFloatAsBits | Allow safe conversion between a float and its representative bit pattern. |
Geo::GeoFp16Texture | A (16 bit) floating point texture for input and output. |
Geo::GeoFpControl | Sets the state of the floating point control word, and restores the original value when the object is destroyed. |
Geo::GeoFrameTime | This class measures frame rate and also computes a running average of the last n frames. |
Geo::GeoFreeDestructor | A type for freeing objects using GEO_FREE. This is for use in GeoAutoPtr. |
Geo::GeoGenericTexture | A really simple texture where all elements are T. |
Geo::GeoGuid | A 128 bit identifier used to uniquely identify objects in the precompute. |
Geo::GeoHalf | Convenience value type for a half float. |
Geo::GeoHashConstHandle | A const handle into the hash table. |
Geo::GeoHashCString | A hash functor for a null-terminated string. |
Geo::GeoHashDefault | A generic hashing functor. |
Geo::GeoHashHandle | A non-const handle into the hash table. |
Geo::GeoHashMap | The hash table. |
Geo::GeoHashString | A functor which hashes a char string. |
Geo::GeoImmutableArray | Basic templated dynamic immutable array class. |
Geo::GeoInputEvent | Event for handling input messages. |
Geo::GeoInstanceCount | |
Geo::GeoIntRange | Represents a range of integers, e.g. between 10 and 20. |
Geo::GeoIntrusivePtr | A value type to take ownership of a raw object allocated on the heap and handle calling AddRef() and Release(). |
Geo::GeoKeyValueArray | A fast implementation of a set associative container, this one using a sorted array of key values to lookup a similar array of value pointers. |
Geo::GeoLineSegment | Debugging output representation of a line segment. |
Geo::GeoList | Our implementation of an STL list, with some modifications. |
Geo::GeoMap | Our implementation of an STL map, with some modifications. |
Geo::GeoMemoryDefault | Fully featured MemoryAllocator implementation that handles memory tracking, leak detection, stack traces, reporting and more. |
Geo::GeoMemoryPool | A memory pool. |
Geo::GeoMemoryStream | Simple IGeoStream implementation that saves/loads data to a block of memory. |
Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox | Non axis aligned bounding box. Note the "m_Pos" of this class is the CORNER (origin), not the centre. |
Geo::GeoNoopDestructor | A type for not destroying anything. |
Geo::GeoPair | A generic pair class. Inherits things like CopyConstructible or Assignable from its argument types. |
Geo::GeoParametrisedPlane3 | A plane with an origin and two basis vectors in the plane. |
Geo::GeoPoint2 | Single precision 2 dimensional point class. |
Geo::GeoPoint2D | Integer 2 dimensional point class. |
Geo::GeoPoint3 | Single precision 3 dimensional point class. |
Geo::GeoPoint3D | Integer 3 dimensional point class. |
Geo::GeoPriorityQueue | |
Geo::GeoProgress | Helper class to manage an IGeoProgressProxy. |
Geo::GeoQueue | Simple FIFO queue. |
Geo::GeoQueueEnumInterface | Any class which wishes to use the queue Walk function must inherit from this class to define its callback interface. |
Geo::GeoRefArrayPtr | Given the lack of a template typedef, and how common it is to want a GeoRefPtr with Array dtor, adding a new class to provide this destruction policy by default. |
Geo::GeoRefCount | Base class for reference counted resources. |
Geo::GeoRefPtr | A value type to take ownership of a raw object allocated on the heap and track a reference count between multiple instances of this class. |
Geo::GeoRefReleasePtr | Given the lack of a template typedef, and how common it is to want a GeoRefPtr with Release dtor, adding a new class to provide this destruction policy by default. |
Geo::GeoReleaseDestructor | A type for deleting objects of type T using Release(). This is for use in GeoAutoPtr. |
Geo::GeoRGBXTexture | A simple CPU 8 bit per channel texture. |
Geo::GeoRGBXTextureElement | A simple CPU 8 bit per channel texture element. |
Geo::GeoScopedCSection | A simple utility for aquiring a lock for the duration of a function. |
Geo::GeoSingleton | Inherit from this class to add singleton behaviour to your class. |
Geo::GeoSpatialHash | The 3D hash table. |
Geo::GeoString | STL string replacement. |
Geo::GeoTimer | A simple task timer Construct a GeoTimer, then as each task begins simply create a local GeoTimer::Task object to automatically start and stop the clock. |
Geo::GeoTokenList | A basic replacement for 'strtok'. |
Geo::GeoTokenStream | A very simple utility class that wraps some common parsing functionality around a GeoTokenList. |
Geo::GeoTriangle | Simple representation of a triangle. |
Geo::GeoTriple | A generic triple class. Inherits things like CopyConstructible or Assignable from its argument types. |
Geo::GeoUniqueDelegatePtr | Given the lack of a template typedef, and how common it is to want a GeoUniquePtr with Delegate dtor, adding a new class to provide this destruction policy by default. |
Geo::GeoUniquePtr | A value type to take ownership of a raw object allocated on the heap and bind its life-time to the scope of this class. |
Geo::GeoUniqueReleasePtr | Given the lack of a template typedef, and how common it is to want a GeoUniquePtr with Release dtor, adding a new class to provide this destruction policy by default. |
Geo::GeoV128Texture | A really simple texture where all elements are float vectors. |
Geo::GeoVariant | Variant class for storing name/value pairs in a map, where the value is a subset of common value types. |
Geo::GeoVector3 | Single precision 3 dimensional vector class. |
Geo::GeoVector4 | Single precision 4 dimensional vector class. |
Geo::GeoVirtualPageAllocator | Implementation of the MemoryAllocator class (on Windows) that uses VirtualAlloc and VirtualProtect to provide similar memory overwrite detection as the Application Verifier. |
Geo::GeoZLibFileStream | IGeoStream implementation that saves/loads data from a zlib compressed file. |
Geo::GoodRNG | A Mersenne Twister RNG. |
Geo::IdentDataCompare | Comparison class for std::sort. |
Geo::IdentVertLinkBuilder | A utility for identifying pairs of "identical" vertices in a vertex buffer. |
Geo::IdxLink | A link between two vertices. |
Geo::IffReader | An IffReader allows you to use an IGeoStream to read Iff format binary files easily. |
Geo::IffTextWriter | Presents an interface compatible with IffWriter, writes a text version of the binary IFF. |
Geo::IffWriter | An IffWriter allows you to use an IGeoStream to create Iff format binary files easily. |
Geo::IGeoEvent | Cross platform Event class. |
Geo::IGeoInputStream | An IGeoInputStream allows you to read memory/files in a consistent manner, and is an extension point for users wishing to control where data is stored. |
Geo::IGeoProgressProxy | An interface for informing a client about the current progress of an operation. |
Geo::IGeoRayTracingContext | Ray-tracing context. |
Geo::IGeoReleasable | A class implementing IGeoReleasable is usually created by the Enlighten libraries and so must have Release() called in order to return the memory. |
Geo::IGeoSerialisable | A class implementing IGeoSerialisable adds the ability to save and load instances of the type from an IGeoStream. |
Geo::IGeoStream | An IGeoStream allows you to read/write memory/files in a consistent manner, and is an extension point for users wishing to control where data is stored. |
Geo::InitRayTracing | Small helper class to ensure init/cleanup are called when object is created/destroyed. |
Geo::IRtMesh | An interface used by the raytracers to fill their internal mesh data structures. |
Geo::ITerminalCmdHandler | A class that provides this interface can process tty string commands. |
Geo::ITerminalDelegate | Handles tty initialisation events. |
Geo::ITerminalInputHandler | Class providing this interface is a source of tty commands and may need polling. |
Geo::ITerminalOutputHandler | A class that provides this interface can display tty output strings. |
Geo::Matrix | Matrix definition. |
Geo::Matrix4x4 | Single-precision 4x4 matrix class. |
Geo::MemoryAllocator | Class used to override memory allocation and freeing. |
Geo::NonCopyable | Base class for classes that are meant to be noncopyable. |
Geo::Optional | Class allowing a value object (integer, string, etc) to be optional, by storing a current value, default value and a boolean to state which is valid. |
Geo::PackedInteger4 | Represents four unsigned integer values packed into a single 32-bit register and named XYZW. |
Geo::PerformanceBlock | Scope control struct which instruments a block of code for performance analysis. |
Geo::PointLeaf | A leaf node in a kd-tree of points. |
Geo::PointSplit | A splitting node in a kd-tree of points. |
Geo::PointSplitBounds | A bounding box for both branches of a PointSplit node. |
Geo::PointSplitState | Common construction state for a point kd-tree. |
Geo::QuickTaskTimer | A little class to time a task. |
Geo::RastFragment | stores a fragment of a triangle i.e. a triangle clipped to a pixel box |
Geo::RastTri | records details of the input triangle |
Geo::RastVert | stores a rasterization vertex, including barycentric coordinates |
Geo::Rayf | A single ray. |
Geo::RayResult | The result of a ray intersection test. |
Geo::Releasable | Base class for classes that are meant to be releasable. |
Geo::RingBuffer | Ring Buffer class. |
Geo::RtMesh | A mesh container that can be stored to disk and used later as a ray tracing mesh. |
Geo::RtMeshGroup | A ray tracing mesh that is a collection of other meshes. |
Geo::ScopedTickCounter | A class that times the interval between construction and destruction, adding this number of ticks to the counter provided. |
Geo::ScopedTimer | A class that times the interval between construction and destruction, adding the number of milliseconds to the counter provided. |
Geo::ScopeStartStop | Simple scope control of a class with static Start() and Stop() functions. |
Geo::SHCoeff | SH Helper class. |
Geo::SimpleRNG | The 'super-duper' random number generator with shuffle (an LCG). |
Geo::Statistics | Result structure used for comparing input lighting buffers. |
Geo::TerminalProvider | Inherit from this class to provide a specific tty command processing type. |
Geo::TextureWriter | Class that writes a 2D block of memory to disk as a texture file. |
Geo::TreeNode | A generic tree structure, where each node contains an item by value. |
Geo::TriGroupSelection | Utility for doing vertex-based chart identification. |
Geo::TxtProgressBar | A simple implementation of an IGeoProgressProxy that uses printf to communicate with the user. |
Geo::TypeInfo | Provides a type id for the given type. |
Geo::VectorD | Double precision vector class. |
Geo::WriteRangePolicy | Policy to write pointers as a range with the given element count. |
Geo::ZeroedPadding | Defines an N-byte block of padding which is zeroed on construction. |
Name | Description |
eBoxLocation | Location of a box relative to a plane. |
eChartParametiserResult | An enum for the types of parametisation results we can get. |
EConvertEndianMode | Enumeration used to control behaviour of various endian swapping functions. |
ECpuGpuMode | Controls how the hardware is used by Enlighten to generate precompute data. |
eCpuVendor | PC CPU vendors. |
eGeoErrorSeverity | The severity of an error. |
eGeoLogContext | enum eGeoLogContext |
eGeoLogMsgType | enum eGeoLogMsgType |
eGeoLogSystemState | enum eGeoLogSystemState |
ePlatform | Enumeration for those cases at runtime that we need to do separate functionality for each platform. |
ePointLocation | Location of a point relative to a plane. |
eRTAPI | Ray-tracing APIs. |
eVShufflePosition | Shuffle constants for the GEO_VSHUFFLE macro. |
GeoFSeekOrigin | To avoid pulling in the entire stdio header, use our own values for GeoFSeek. |
Controls how the hardware is used by Enlighten to generate precompute data.
ertCpuShared | Use CPU only. Allow multiple concurrent tasks between separate processes. |
ertCpuExclusive | Use CPU only. Block task if another Enlighten precompute task is running. |
ertDefault | Default is to use CPU only. |