Versions Compared


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AddCubemap(const PipelineCubemap &)

Add a cubemap to the scene.

AddGeom(const PipelineGeom &)

Add the geom to the scene.

AddInstance(const PipelineRadiosityInstance &)

Add a radiosity instance to the scene.

AddInstance(const PipelineExcludedInstance &)

Add an excluded instance to the scene.

AddInstanceParameters(const PipelineInstanceParameters &)

Add a named set of instance parameters to the scene.

AddProbeRegion(const PipelineBoxSetProbeRegion &)

Add a region defined by a set of boxes to the specified probe octree.

AddProbeRegion(const PipelinePointSetProbeRegion &)

Add a region defined by a set of points to the specified probe octree.

AddProbeRegion(const PipelineVolumeProbeRegion &)

Add a probe region defined by a volume to the specified zone.

AddProbeVolume(const PipelineProbeVolume &)

Adds a probe volume to the scene.

AddRadiosityDependencies(PipelineRadiosityGroupType, Geo::GeoFileString, const Dependencies &, const Dependencies &)

Adds a dependency set.

AddRadiosityDependencies(Geo::GeoFileString, const Dependencies &)

Limit the radiosity dependencies of the specified zone to the specified set of zone dependencies.


Cancel the currently running precompute.

CreateAlbedoBuffer(InputWorkspace *)

Create a runtime object.

CreateDynamicMaterialWorkspace(ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *)

Create a runtime object.

CreateEmissiveBuffer(InputWorkspace *)

Create a runtime object.

DumpDebugScene(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Dump the entire scene to a single text file for debug and test purposes.

GeomExists(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Returns true if there is a geometry object associated with the specified name. O(1) complexity.

GetClusterAlbedoMaterialDataFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Returns the full path to the cluster albedo material data file for the specified system.

GetCubemapCoreFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Returns the full path to the rad cubemap core output file for the specified cubemap.

GetCubemapDependenciesFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Returns the full path to the system dependencies output file for the specified cubemap.


Returns the default name of the scene.


Returns the full path to the .deps file.

GetDirectionalVisibilityFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Returns the full path to the directional visibility file for the specified system.


Returns the export path that was supplied to the constructor.

GetGeneratedSystemsFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Returns the full path to the generated systems file for the specified zone.

GetInputGeometryFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &, const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Returns the full path to the input geometry output file for a the specified geom/paramSet combination.

GetInputProbeSetFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Returns the full path to the input probeset file for the specified system.

GetInputSystemFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Returns the full path to the input system output file for the specified system.

GetInputWorkspaceFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Returns the full path to the input workspace file for the specified system.

GetInstanceNames(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Return the names of the instances within the specified group.


Returns the full path to the.lights file.

GetLightTransportOutputFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Returns the full path to the light transport output file for the specified system.

GetOutputProbeOctreeFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Returns the full path to the output probe octree file for the specified input octree.

GetPackedGeometryFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &, const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Returns the full path to the packed geometry output file for a the specified geom/paramSet combination.

GetPackedSystemFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Returns the full path to the packed system output file for the specified system.


Returns the full path to the paramset file.


Returns the full path to the precompute log file.

GetProbeAtlasMaximaFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Returns the full path to the probe atlas maxima file.

GetProbeDependenciesFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Returns the full path to the system dependencies output file for the specified probe-set.

GetProbeRegionFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Returns the full path to the probe region file with the specified name.

GetProbeSetCoreFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Returns the full path to the rad probe set core output file for the specified probe set.

GetRadCoreFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &, const Geo::s32)

Returns the full path to the rad lightmap core file for the specified system and lod.

GetRadiosityNormalTextureFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &, const Geo::s32)

Returns the full path to the radiosity normal texture file for the specified system and lod.

GetRefInputWorkspaceFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Returns the full path to the reference input workspace file for the specified system.


Returns the full path to the .scene file.


Returns the name of the scene.


Returns the full path to the directory containing the build results.

GetSystemDependenciesFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Returns the full path to the system dependencies output file for the specified system.

GetSystemDusterFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Returns the full path to the system duster output file for the specified system.

LoadClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData(const Geo::GeoFileString &, Geo::u32)

Load a precompute object from file.

LoadGeneratedSystems(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Load a precompute object from file.

LoadInputProbeSet(const PrecompOctreeCode, const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Load a precompute object from file.

LoadInputProbeSet(const PrecompOctreeCode, const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Load a precompute object from file.

LoadInputWorkspace(const Geo::GeoFileString &, Geo::u32)

Load a precompute object from file.

LoadOctreeProbeSetCore(const PrecompOctreeCode, const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Load a precompute object from file.

LoadOutputProbeOctree(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Load a precompute object from file.

LoadPackedGeometry(const Geo::GeoFileString &, const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Load a precompute object from file.

LoadPackedSystem(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Load a precompute object from file.

LoadPrecomputedVisibilityData(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Load a precompute object from file.

LoadProbeAtlasMaxima(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Load a precompute object from file.

LoadRadCubeMapCore(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Load a precompute object from file.

LoadRadiosityNormalTexture(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Load a precompute object from file.

LoadRadProbeSetCore(const Geo::GeoFileString &, Geo::s32u32)

Load a precompute object from file.

LoadRadProbeSetCoreLoadRadSystemCore(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Load a precompute object from file.

LoadRadSystemCoreLoadRadSystemCoreEx(const Geo::GeoFileString &, Geo::s32u32)

Load a precompute object from file.

LoadSystemDuster(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Load a precompute object from file.

MakeOctreeProbeSetName(const PrecompOctreeCode, const char *)

Returns the name of the octree probe set for the specified octree code and optional parameter set.

MakeProbeOctreeName(const char *)

Returns the name of the probe octree associated with the optional parameter set.

PipelinePaths(const Geo::GeoFileString &, const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Provide an export path to which the current process can write files.

PipelinePaths(const Geo::GeoFileString &)

Provide an export path to which the current process can write files.

PipelineScene(PipelinePaths, const PipelineGlobalParameters &)

To use this class, construct an instance of the PrecomputePipeline class.

PrecomputeParameters(PrecomputeDistribute, Geo::u32, bool, bool)


PrecomputePipeline(PipelinePaths, PrecomputeParameters, const PipelineGlobalParameters &, const Geo::GeoFileString &)



Add a comment to include in the scene file.


Launches the High Level Build System to run the build.


If the precompute is still running, return Running, else return the precompute result.


Wait for the precompute to complete.

WriteScene(Geo::IGeoProgressProxy &)

Write the Enlighten scene to disk.

WriteScene(Geo::IGeoProgressProxy &)

Write the scene to the export path.


Returns the full path to the rad probe set core output file for the specified probe set.


Geo::GeoFileString Enlighten::PipelinePaths::GetRadCoreFilename


Returns the full path to the rad lightmap core file for the specified system and lod.


Geo::GeoFileString Enlighten::PipelinePaths::GetRadiosityNormalTextureFilename


Returns the full path to the system duster output file for the specified system.


CAWMaterialDataPtr Enlighten::PipelineScene::LoadClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData


public: CAWMaterialDataPtr LoadClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData
    const Geo::GeoFileString & systemName,
    Geo::u32 sections
) const


Load a precompute object from file.


Return a unique pointer which owns the object. The unique pointer is compatible with either std::move or GeoStd::Move.


InputProbeSetPtr Enlighten::PipelineScene::LoadInputProbeSet


public: InputProbeSetPtr LoadInputProbeSet
    const PrecompOctreeCode octreeCode,
    const Geo::GeoFileString & octreeNameparamsetName
) const


Load a precompute object from file.

Return a unique pointer which owns the object. The unique pointer is compatible with either std::move or GeoStd::Move.


InputProbeSetPtr Enlighten::PipelineScene::LoadInputProbeSet


public: InputProbeSetPtr LoadInputProbeSet
    const PrecompOctreeCode octreeCode,
    const Geo::GeoFileString & paramsetNameoctreeName
) const


Load a precompute object from file.

Return a unique pointer which owns the object. The unique pointer is compatible with either std::move or GeoStd::Move.


InputWorkspacePtr Enlighten::PipelineScene::LoadInputWorkspace


public: InputWorkspacePtr LoadInputWorkspace
    const Geo::GeoFileString & systemName,
    Geo::u32 sections
) const


Load a precompute object from file.


Return a unique pointer which owns the object. The unique pointer is compatible with either std::move or GeoStd::Move.


RGBXTexturePtr Enlighten::PipelineScene::LoadRadiosityNormalTexture


public: RGBXTexturePtr LoadRadiosityNormalTexture
    const Geo::GeoFileString & systemName
) const


Load a precompute object from file.

Return a unique pointer which owns the object. The unique pointer is compatible with either std::move or GeoStd::Move.


RadProbeSetCorePtr Enlighten::PipelineScene::LoadRadProbeSetCore


public: RadProbeSetCorePtr LoadRadProbeSetCore
    const Geo::GeoFileString & probeSetName,
    Geo::s32 lodIndexu32 sections
) const


Load a precompute object from file.

Return a unique pointer which owns the object. The unique pointer is compatible with either std::move or GeoStd::Move.



RadSystemCorePtr Enlighten::PipelineScene::




public: RadProbeSetCorePtr LoadRadProbeSetCore RadSystemCorePtr LoadRadSystemCore
    const Geo::GeoFileString & probeSetNamesystemName
) const


Load a precompute object from file.

Return a unique pointer which owns the object. The unique pointer is compatible with either std::move or GeoStd::Move.


RadSystemCorePtr Enlighten::PipelineScene::




public: RadSystemCorePtr LoadRadSystemCore LoadRadSystemCoreEx
    const Geo::GeoFileString & systemName,
    Geo::s32 lodIndexu32 sections
) const


Load a precompute object from file.
