Name | Description |
AddCubemap(const PipelineCubemap &) | Add a cubemap to the scene. |
AddGeom(const PipelineGeom &) | Add the geom to the scene. |
AddInstance(const PipelineRadiosityInstance &) | Add a radiosity instance to the scene. |
AddInstance(const PipelineExcludedInstance &) | Add an excluded instance to the scene. |
AddInstanceParameters(const PipelineInstanceParameters &) | Add a named set of instance parameters to the scene. |
AddProbeRegion(const PipelineBoxSetProbeRegion &) | Add a region defined by a set of boxes to the specified probe octree. |
AddProbeRegion(const PipelinePointSetProbeRegion &) | Add a region defined by a set of points to the specified probe octree. |
AddProbeRegion(const PipelineVolumeProbeRegion &) | Add a probe region defined by a volume to the specified zone. |
AddProbeVolume(const PipelineProbeVolume &) | Adds a probe volume to the scene. |
AddRadiosityDependencies(PipelineRadiosityGroupType, Geo::GeoFileString, const Dependencies &, const Dependencies &) | Adds a dependency set. |
AddRadiosityDependencies(Geo::GeoFileString, const Dependencies &) | Limit the radiosity dependencies of the specified zone to the specified set of zone dependencies. |
CancelPrecompute() | Cancel the currently running precompute. |
CreateAlbedoBuffer(InputWorkspace *) | Create a runtime object. |
CreateDynamicMaterialWorkspace(ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *) | Create a runtime object. |
CreateEmissiveBuffer(InputWorkspace *) | Create a runtime object. |
DumpDebugScene(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Dump the entire scene to a single text file for debug and test purposes. |
GeomExists(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Returns true if there is a geometry object associated with the specified name. O(1) complexity. |
GetClusterAlbedoMaterialDataFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Returns the full path to the cluster albedo material data file for the specified system. |
GetCubemapCoreFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Returns the full path to the rad cubemap core output file for the specified cubemap. |
GetCubemapDependenciesFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Returns the full path to the system dependencies output file for the specified cubemap. |
GetDefaultSceneName() | Returns the default name of the scene. |
GetDepsFilename() | Returns the full path to the .deps file. |
GetDirectionalVisibilityFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Returns the full path to the directional visibility file for the specified system. |
GetExportPath() | Returns the export path that was supplied to the constructor. |
GetGeneratedSystemsFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Returns the full path to the generated systems file for the specified zone. |
GetInputGeometryFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &, const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Returns the full path to the input geometry output file for a the specified geom/paramSet combination. |
GetInputProbeSetFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Returns the full path to the input probeset file for the specified system. |
GetInputSystemFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Returns the full path to the input system output file for the specified system. |
GetInputWorkspaceFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Returns the full path to the input workspace file for the specified system. |
GetInstanceNames(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Return the names of the instances within the specified group. |
GetLightsFilename() | Returns the full path to the.lights file. |
GetLightTransportOutputFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Returns the full path to the light transport output file for the specified system. |
GetOutputProbeOctreeFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Returns the full path to the output probe octree file for the specified input octree. |
GetPackedGeometryFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &, const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Returns the full path to the packed geometry output file for a the specified geom/paramSet combination. |
GetPackedSystemFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Returns the full path to the packed system output file for the specified system. |
GetParamsetFilename() | Returns the full path to the paramset file. |
GetPrecomputeLogFilename() | Returns the full path to the precompute log file. |
GetProbeAtlasMaximaFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Returns the full path to the probe atlas maxima file. |
GetProbeDependenciesFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Returns the full path to the system dependencies output file for the specified probe-set. |
GetProbeRegionFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Returns the full path to the probe region file with the specified name. |
GetProbeSetCoreFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Returns the full path to the rad probe set core output file for the specified probe set. |
GetRadCoreFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &, const Geo::s32) | Returns the full path to the rad lightmap core file for the specified system and lod. |
GetRadiosityNormalTextureFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &, const Geo::s32) | Returns the full path to the radiosity normal texture file for the specified system and lod. |
GetRefInputWorkspaceFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Returns the full path to the reference input workspace file for the specified system. |
GetSceneFilename() | Returns the full path to the .scene file. |
GetSceneName() | Returns the name of the scene. |
GetSceneOutputPath() | Returns the full path to the directory containing the build results. |
GetSystemDependenciesFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Returns the full path to the system dependencies output file for the specified system. |
GetSystemDusterFilename(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Returns the full path to the system duster output file for the specified system. |
LoadClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData(const Geo::GeoFileString &, Geo::u32) | Load a precompute object from file. |
LoadGeneratedSystems(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Load a precompute object from file. |
LoadInputProbeSet(const PrecompOctreeCode, const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Load a precompute object from file. |
LoadInputProbeSet(const PrecompOctreeCode, const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Load a precompute object from file. |
LoadInputWorkspace(const Geo::GeoFileString &, Geo::u32) | Load a precompute object from file. |
LoadOctreeProbeSetCore(const PrecompOctreeCode, const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Load a precompute object from file. |
LoadOutputProbeOctree(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Load a precompute object from file. |
LoadPackedGeometry(const Geo::GeoFileString &, const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Load a precompute object from file. |
LoadPackedSystem(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Load a precompute object from file. |
LoadPrecomputedVisibilityData(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Load a precompute object from file. |
LoadProbeAtlasMaxima(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Load a precompute object from file. |
LoadRadCubeMapCore(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Load a precompute object from file. |
LoadRadiosityNormalTexture(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Load a precompute object from file. |
LoadRadProbeSetCore(const Geo::GeoFileString &, Geo::s32u32) | Load a precompute object from file. |
LoadRadProbeSetCoreLoadRadSystemCore(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Load a precompute object from file. |
LoadRadSystemCoreLoadRadSystemCoreEx(const Geo::GeoFileString &, Geo::s32u32) | Load a precompute object from file. |
LoadSystemDuster(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Load a precompute object from file. |
MakeOctreeProbeSetName(const PrecompOctreeCode, const char *) | Returns the name of the octree probe set for the specified octree code and optional parameter set. |
MakeProbeOctreeName(const char *) | Returns the name of the probe octree associated with the optional parameter set. |
PipelinePaths(const Geo::GeoFileString &, const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Provide an export path to which the current process can write files. |
PipelinePaths(const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Provide an export path to which the current process can write files. |
PipelineScene(PipelinePaths, const PipelineGlobalParameters &) | To use this class, construct an instance of the PrecomputePipeline class. |
PrecomputeParameters(PrecomputeDistribute, Geo::u32, bool, bool) | Constructor. |
PrecomputePipeline(PipelinePaths, PrecomputeParameters, const PipelineGlobalParameters &, const Geo::GeoFileString &) | Constructor. |
SetSceneComment(Geo::GeoFileStringView) | Add a comment to include in the scene file. |
StartPrecompute(bool) | Launches the High Level Build System to run the build. |
TryGetPrecomputeResult() | If the precompute is still running, return Running, else return the precompute result. |
WaitForPrecompute() | Wait for the precompute to complete. |
WriteScene(Geo::IGeoProgressProxy &) | Write the Enlighten scene to disk. |
WriteScene(Geo::IGeoProgressProxy &) | Write the scene to the export path. |
Returns the full path to the rad probe set core output file for the specified probe set.
Anchor | ||||
Geo::GeoFileString Enlighten::PipelinePaths::GetRadCoreFilename
Returns the full path to the rad lightmap core file for the specified system and lod.
Anchor | ||||
Geo::GeoFileString Enlighten::PipelinePaths::GetRadiosityNormalTextureFilename
Returns the full path to the system duster output file for the specified system.
Anchor | ||||
CAWMaterialDataPtr Enlighten::PipelineScene::LoadClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData
public: CAWMaterialDataPtr LoadClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData
const Geo::GeoFileString & systemName,
Geo::u32 sections
) const
Load a precompute object from file.
Return a unique pointer which owns the object. The unique pointer is compatible with either std::move or GeoStd::Move.
Anchor | ||||
InputProbeSetPtr Enlighten::PipelineScene::LoadInputProbeSet
public: InputProbeSetPtr LoadInputProbeSet
const PrecompOctreeCode octreeCode,
const Geo::GeoFileString & octreeNameparamsetName
) const
Load a precompute object from file.
Return a unique pointer which owns the object. The unique pointer is compatible with either std::move or GeoStd::Move.
Anchor | ||||
InputProbeSetPtr Enlighten::PipelineScene::LoadInputProbeSet
public: InputProbeSetPtr LoadInputProbeSet
const PrecompOctreeCode octreeCode,
const Geo::GeoFileString & paramsetNameoctreeName
) const
Load a precompute object from file.
Return a unique pointer which owns the object. The unique pointer is compatible with either std::move or GeoStd::Move.
Anchor | ||||
InputWorkspacePtr Enlighten::PipelineScene::LoadInputWorkspace
public: InputWorkspacePtr LoadInputWorkspace
const Geo::GeoFileString & systemName,
Geo::u32 sections
) const
Load a precompute object from file.
Return a unique pointer which owns the object. The unique pointer is compatible with either std::move or GeoStd::Move.
Anchor | ||||
RGBXTexturePtr Enlighten::PipelineScene::LoadRadiosityNormalTexture
public: RGBXTexturePtr LoadRadiosityNormalTexture
const Geo::GeoFileString & systemName
) const
Load a precompute object from file.
Return a unique pointer which owns the object. The unique pointer is compatible with either std::move or GeoStd::Move.
Anchor | ||||
RadProbeSetCorePtr Enlighten::PipelineScene::LoadRadProbeSetCore
public: RadProbeSetCorePtr LoadRadProbeSetCore
const Geo::GeoFileString & probeSetName,
Geo::s32 lodIndexu32 sections
) const
Load a precompute object from file.
Return a unique pointer which owns the object. The unique pointer is compatible with either std::move or GeoStd::Move.
Anchor | ||||
RadSystemCorePtr Enlighten::PipelineScene::
public: RadProbeSetCorePtr LoadRadProbeSetCore RadSystemCorePtr LoadRadSystemCore
const Geo::GeoFileString & probeSetNamesystemName
) const
Load a precompute object from file.
Return a unique pointer which owns the object. The unique pointer is compatible with either std::move or GeoStd::Move.
Anchor | ||||
RadSystemCorePtr Enlighten::PipelineScene::
public: RadSystemCorePtr LoadRadSystemCore LoadRadSystemCoreEx
const Geo::GeoFileString & systemName,
Geo::s32 lodIndexu32 sections
) const
Load a precompute object from file.